I have a couple so bare with me.
1) Lose weight- Now I know what you’re all going to say. “People make this every year and it never happens.” I know I have fallen victim to this many times in the past. This year I am really motivated because of graduation this June and because I’m tired of everything that comes with all this extra weight. Time for a change.
2) Update my blogs more frequently - I have been trying much harder than usual and I get the tumblr all the time, but now I will try much harder with both my blogspot & my wordpress. Wish me luck.
3) Travel - I know I don’t have a lot of money but I really want to go to a new place this year and such. I love traveling and don’t get to do it very often but hopefully this year I get to go somewhere fun.
4) Get rid of the wastes - I really need to get rid of some people from my life. I don’t need stupid drama so I am trying to cut out people that I don’t need. I went through my bbm, contacts, facebook, and twitter and I deleted all the people from my old school and a bunch of people that I hate for various reasons and people in general that have screwed me over and stuff.
5) Swear much less - I want to cut down on my swearing. I swear way to much and I feel like it isn’t very attractive. I want to cut down a lot. The only time I feel swearing is acceptable is when I’m watching hockey considering that’s how I get my anger out.
6) Be happy - This past year was really hard for me and I got through a lot but I am not really happy ever so I am gonna try and make an effort to be happier.
7) Stop drugs - I have made a choice to quit drugs and only do them on special days such as my birthday and harvest fest. I don’t want to quit all together right now but I am not going to use during school time.
I know that’s a lot of things, but I feel like I can do this. Wish me luck.
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